Spring Holidays

Whether you observe Easter, Passover, or any other tradition if this is your first one or your 31st one without your child(ren) the day(s) will be hard in many ways. You may be thinking about how different or how hard the day will be. You may be joining family and friends for the day, or planning a quiet day at home. You might have visited your child’s final resting place and decorated it with flowers. However, you choose to honor and do the day is up to you. You get to decide how you think about the day.

You might be feeling sad, lonely, depressed, or anxious. Perhaps you are feeling content, at ease, courageous, and gentle. You might be angry, guilty, tearful, or heartbroken. Whatever you are feeling is it is ok. As you feel the feelings in your body. Breathe through them. Close your eyes and just feel. Know it is ok to have those feelings. We are human and as humans, we have a wide range of feelings and all of them are ok. Once you’ve identified those feelings take a deep breath. Allow your body to process that feeling and decide how you want to think about the day. Your thoughts will drive your actions.

Whatever you choose to do today is fine. If you just can’t face family and friends and choose to stay home do it. If you want to get out and be with people do it. If you’ve never been to a family gathering without your child yet I highly suggest you give yourself an out. If you show up and it is too overwhelming you can choose to leave. You get to decide what and how you spend the day.
You might be feeling like everything is different now and you don’t like it. It is ok. You don’t have to like it. The reality is that our circumstances would change eventually anyway. If our children were still living on earth they would grow up. They might go off to college or on to a job/career where they have to work holidays. Perhaps they would meet someone and choose to start their own traditions or spend time with their partners’ families. Life is constantly changing and shifting. We don’t necessarily like it, but we have no choice. We don’t have to do everything the same as we did before. If your home is the house everyone gathered at to have family dinners and you don’t feel up to having the family over you don’t have to invite them. If you choose to go away somewhere on your own to remember, reflect, and grieve for your child that is ok.

I would encourage you to take good care of your body. Drink plenty of water. Rest when you need to and eat healthy nourishing foods. Go for a walk outside in the fresh air when you can and allow nature and the sun to warm your body and clear your mind. Above all be gentle and kind to yourself.

There might be tears and heartache. You might remember years gone by and smile, and yes, even laugh at the memories. It is ok to laugh. It is ok to feel happy or joyful even. It is ok to talk about your child or your children and share funny stories of years gone by. I love to talk about Mike and the funny things he said or did. His friends and my family love to hear stories about Mike. It keeps his memory alive and brings me comfort. Your child lived and loved and is. So, honor their memory by sharing their story in whatever way you choose. There is no right or wrong way. You get to decide what the day looks like and what you choose to share.

I wish you a day of peace, good memories, and lots of love.


Supporting a grieving parent


I know just how you feel . . .